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Art Department


The CHS art department is committed to providing a quality visual arts experience in an environment that encourages self expression, nurtures artistry and fosters creativity. The program provides students with a wide range of art concepts, ideas, skills and experiences as well as an increased self-awareness through aesthetic experiences and activities. The art program is based on the four components of a disciplined-based art education: art history, criticism and appreciation, aesthetics and art production.

The high school student is at "the beginning of period of reasoning when children become increasingly critical of their own products. For some, this means a change from unconsciously drawing what is known to consciously relying on what is seen. These attempts at naturalism assume great significance when we realize that this indicates the shift to adult modes of expression." Creative and Mental Growth by Victor Lowenfeld.

"Art is humanity's most essential, most universal language. It is not a frill, but a necessary part of communication. The quality of civilization can be measured through its music, dance, drama, architecture, visual art and literature. We must give our children knowledge and understanding of civilization's most profound works."
Ernest Boyer, President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Art Department Faculty

  • Jessica Stifel
  • Linda DeMilia