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Canton High School Departments


Pupil Personnel Services

Library Media Center (Learning Commons)



The CHS art department is committed to providing a quality visual arts experience in an environment that encourages self expression, nurtures artistry and fosters creativity. The program provides students with a wide range of art concepts, ideas, skills and experiences as well as an increased self-awareness through aesthetic experiences and activities. The art program is based on the four components of a disciplined-based art education: art history, criticism and appreciation, aesthetics and art production.

The high school student is at "the beginning of period of reasoning when children become increasingly critical of their own products. For some, this means a change from unconsciously drawing what is known to consciously relying on what is seen. These attempts at naturalism assume great significance when we realize that this indicates the shift to adult modes of expression." Creative and Mental Growth by Victor Lowenfeld.

"Art is humanity's most essential, most universal language. It is not a frill, but a necessary part of communication. The quality of civilization can be measured through its music, dance, drama, architecture, visual art and literature. We must give our children knowledge and understanding of civilization's most profound works."
Ernest Boyer, President of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Art Department Faculty

  • Jessica Stifel
  • Linda DeMilia


Please click on this link for the English Department Website

English Department Faculty

  • Jennifer Zettergren, Department Chairperson
  • Leigh Connole
  • Carla Kurt
  • Anna Moberly
  • Karla Principe 
  • Michelle Taylor



Based upon the need for individuals to become independent and productive members of society, the Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS) curriculum addresses those topics which empower youngsters with life-long skills. As individuals or members of families, young adults will need to manage the challenges of living and working in a diverse global society with others across the life span. The central focus of FACS is on families, work, and their interrelationship.

Opportunities within the FACS curriculum provide exposure to life-long skills for personal enrichment, career exploration, and strengthening family life. Application of academic skills to hands-on-learning occurs for boys and girls in the areas of foods and nutrition, textiles, consumerism, personal, family and intergenerational relationships, child development and parenting, interior design, and personal finance.

The Middle school FACS program is offered as an experiential program in 7th and 8th grade with emphasis on three core areas in 7th grade and three core areas in 8th grade. FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America) is the vocational student organization that supports the program as an after school activity.

All high school courses are semester courses offered on an elective basis. There is a FCCLA Club for high school students which also supports the high school program.


  • Mrs. Jennifer Zenuh



The purpose of social studies education is to prepare students to understand and embrace the role that responsible citizens play in a democratic society. Students must be armed with the necessary skills, knowledge, values, and motivation to implement their role and to act on it in a constructive manner. Achieving this purpose requires that students understand and appreciate diversity, evaluate multiple perspectives, and recognize the changing nature of the world confronting all global citizens.

Social Studies Department Faculty

  • Nora Mocarski, Department Chairperson
  • Kerry Hartley
  • Kristy Kehoss
  • Tim O'Donnell
  • Kathryn Coursey
  • James Annunziato



Through the study of Technology Education students will apply concepts, skills, and processes from a variety of academic disciplines to solve practical problems and extend human capabilities. The core areas are communication, transportation, manufacturing, and construction, with a sequence of introductory, advanced, and independent study opportunities designed to meet the avocational as well as the vocational needs of all students.

All technology courses are open to grades 9 – 12 on an elective basis and may be used to fulfill the Fine Arts/Vocational Education credit requirement.

Technology Education Department Faculty

  • Brandon Richard
  • James Montagna



The world of work requires mathematical knowledge to maintain productivity and economic viability. The demands of citizenship require a mathematically literate population able to respond intelligently as problem solvers. Mathematics is part of the culture in which we live and an appreciation of that culture helps enhance the quality of life for all citizens. The impact of technology in the form of calculators and computers has made mathematics more important than ever and finally accessible to all. In light of this, students must have a basic understanding of mathematical concepts to be successful. They need to develop sound reasoning ability. Reasoning is the road to knowledge and mathematics is the key to reasoning. Reaching a logical conclusion involves creative thought, analysis and critical judgment. In addition, our students must be able to transfer skills from other academic areas to communicate mathematical ideas and solutions effectively in both oral and written form. It is the power, the beauty, and the excitement of mathematics that we want our students to experience. "I hear, and I forget; I see, and I remember; I do, and I understand."


  • Gabrielle Aitchison, Chairperson
  • Jeff Aureli
  • Jeanne Holian
  • Cecile Mancini
  • Kelly Petrillo
  • James Schirber

Canton High School Math Offerings

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12

  • Conceptual Algebra I with Algebra I support
  • Geometry and Data Analysis
  • Geometry CP
  • Conceptual Algebra II with Financial Applications
  • Probability & Statistics 
  • STEM elective
  • Algebra I
  • Geometry CP/H
  • Algebra II CP/H
  • Precalculus CP/H
  • Probability & Statistics
  • AP Statistics
  • Geometry CP/H
    Requires prior successful completion of Algebra I
  • Algebra II CP/H

  • Precalculus CP/H
  • AP Statistics*
    *Recommended as 2nd math/elective credit if in grade 11
  • Probability & Statistics 
  • AP Statistics
  • Calculus H
  • AP Calculus AB



The Canton Music Department recognizes music to be an essential aspect of each child's education. Our goal is to nurture each student's ability to create, perform, and respond to music through the recognition of each child's individual potential. We will provide students with opportunities to use music in life functionally, either as an active participant or as an intellectually active listener.


  • Rachel Antonucci, Department Chairperson
  • Brian Jones

Check out the Music Department's website.


Click here to go to the Canton High School Science Department website


Education must help prepare students for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world, consequently, it is important that they not only become aware of the value of scientific knowledge but also that they experience the excitement and enjoyment of learning science. The fundamental scientific principles and methods employed in the learning experience aid students in understanding science and offer them the educational means necessary to build a framework for learning. Students should be instructed in the various areas of science in cooperation with other disciplines to provide an awareness of the relationship of science to the rest of the world. Science is more than an academic discipline, it is a method to evaluate and process information and thus make decisions about life styles and careers. Students should be exposed to the concepts, skills, facts and processes of science so that they will have the intellectual tools they need to lead productive lives and shape their futures. 


  • Marsha Mastrocola, Chair
  • Benn Gawitt
  • Jean Moran
  • Michelle Ott
  • Anthony Pereiro
  • Eric Tucker



The World Language curriculum serves a dual purpose of teaching a language while enhancing the student's knowledge of different cultures. Studying world languages in the context of a culture promotes understanding and tolerance.

The study of world languages, a minimum of two years, is required by virtually all colleges. Many require three years, while the most selective schools require four to five years. In some cases, colleges will waive their language requirement and/or grant advanced standing to students who have successfully completed advanced levels in high school. It is possible to complete a fifth year while still at CHS by beginning the language in the Middle School.

World Language Department Faculty

  • Veronique Subrizi, Chair
  • Andrea Schacht 
  • Mariana Milheiro
  • Tian Zhang
  • Karen Palacio

Seal of Biliteracy

The World Language Department is pleased to announce that Canton Public Schools will be offering the Seal of Biliteracy beginning with the graduating class of 2019.  For more information, review the Canton Public Schools Biliteracy website page.



The Health/Wellness curriculum in grades 9-12 encompasses both team sports and lifetime physical activities. As students move to higher grades increasing emphasis is placed on activities that can be used throughout students' lives. Students are required to take P.E. for 30 days in grade 9, one semester in grade 10, and for a quarter in grades 11 and 12. One and a half credits of physical education/health are required for graduation. Students will be involved in physical fitness testing. The state requires that 10th grade physical fitness results be reported. Any student with a long-term medical excuse will be required to do written assignments related to the activity missed.


  • Matt Brintle
  • Margaret Bristol
  • Olivia Donahue