The Board of Education may provide transportation to and from licensed daycare centers in lieu of accommodating students at their residences. Daycare centers which are located along established bus routes will be accommodated under the following conditions:
- The daycare provider holds a current Connecticut license and has provided a copy to the Board of Education.
- The daycare center maintains an adequate staffing level in order to comply with bus transportation rules and regulations. Pre-kindergarten and primary school students must be supervised by daycare staff during the loading and unloading process.
- Annually in July, the daycare center must register with the Board of Education providing evidence of adequate staffing and the number of students anticipated for the coming school year.
- Transportation provided to a daycare center is solely at the discretion and convenience of the Board of Education. In no case shall a bus route be extended to accommodate a daycare center.
- Unlicensed daycare providers or “babysitters” will receive no special accommodation for transportation beyond that which would be provided to the residence of currently enrolled students.