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School Information


Cherry Brook Primary School is a Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 3 school containing approximately 450 students. Nested within the lovely hills of Canton, we actively support students in their learning, academic and social development. We are fortunate to have a knowledgeable, dedicated staff that supports our students in fostering a positive collaboration with a wonderful parent base. We are fortunate to have the best of all worlds here at Cherry Brook!


At Cherry Brook Primary School, we provide each child with positive, lifelong memories while celebrating the happiness of childhood.   Focusing upon student growth and success, along with a commitment to nurture students,  children become engaged learners and productive community members.

In order to accomplish our mission, we believe that students learn best when

  • inspired to love learning.
  • valued for their unique talents and individuality.
  • presented with opportunities where perseverance is required to overcome challenges.
  • critical thinking and problem solving skills are applied academically and socially.
  • individual goals are designed based on interests and learning styles.
  • held accountable for their learning and actions.
  • nurtured in a safe environment that promotes curiosity, confidence and self-reflection.
  • different perspectives are welcomed and appreciated.
  • positive peer interactions are developed and fostered.
  • families and schools unite to develop a collaborative, supportive network.
  • a sense of community extends beyond school.
  • provided with purposeful resources to enhance their experiences.
  • play, fun, and creativity are valued as integral parts of the childhood experience.