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School Calendar

2024-2025 School Calendar  (Amended 6/11/24)

Click link above to see full school year calendar for 2024-2025

As of February 7, 2025, there have been 2 snow days:

  • 12/05/24
  • 02/06/25

This brings the tentative last day of school for 2024-25 to Thursday, June 12, 2025.

Future School Year Calendars

2025-2026 School Calendar (Adopted 12/10/2024)

Upcoming Events

Screenagers: Growing Up In The Digital Age
Time: 6:00PM - 8:00PM
Location: Canton Intermediate School Cafeteria

Please join us for this insightful documentary, an update within the Screenagers series, with a focus on upper elementary aged students. The film explores the impact of social media, video games, and academic pressures on today's young students and families.

Join our community to share and learn more about how to support our youth as they navigate the digital age. This documentary is especially beneficial for parents of children who have phones or are considering getting one.

Youth in 5th grade and up are encouraged to attend.

This event is being held jointly by the Canton Youth Services Bureau and Canton Public Schools.

Canton's Got Talent 

April 4, 2025 @ 7pm

Calling all Canton students, Grades K-12: Do you have a secret talent?  Or even a not-so-secret talent?  Canton Friends for the Arts invites YOU to audition for the second annual, CANTON’S GOT TALENT show!!!!!! Acts can include:

Singing, Playing Instruments, Rock Bands, Magic, Poetry, Baton, Dance, Gymnastics, Skits, Comedy and more!

All students need to sign up by Monday, March 24th using this link.

Let's show them how talented our Canton students are!


Based on Stephen Hillenburg’s famous cartoon, this play was adapted for the stage by Kyle Jarrow, with music, lyrics, and orchestration by a variety of your favorite artists like Steven Tyler and Panic! At the Disco. Licensing has been provided by Concord Theatricals. Approximate run time: 140 minutes with 15-minute intermission.

CANTON, Connecticut - On Thursday, March 13th, at 7:00pm, The Spongebob Musical will premiere in the CHS auditorium (76 Simonds Ave.). Additional shows to follow on Friday, March 14th at 7:00pm, and Saturday, March 15th at 2:00pm. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for seniors, and $5 for students. Tickets are available online through Follow the link to “Buy Tickets” and search “Canton Performing Arts.”

The Canton High School Drama Club is only in its FIFTH year of existence! In the past few years, we have had such productions as Alice in Wonderland, Seussical, and The Addams Family. All proceeds from ticket sales, concession sales, and merchandise sales will directly support the production costs of The Spongebob Musical as well as future productions and Drama Club events.

Contact event organizer Michelle Taylor before the day of the event with questions at

SpongeBob the Musical Show poster

Canton Summer Arts Camp Bandfest!

June 23-27 2025

Canton Summer Arts Camp Bandfest! will be held daily from 8am to 3pm during the week of June 23-27, 2025 at Canton High School, 76 Simonds Ave, Canton, CT. The camp is designed for students with one to four years experience on a band instrument (flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, bass clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone, baritone, tuba, and percussion) that are entering grades 5-8.

Registration will be available online through the Canton Parks and Recreation Department.

Email Camp Director, Rachel Antonucci

Register today! 
Bandfest! summer camp poster

Next week we are celebrating National Bus Driver Appreciation Day.  The PTOs district-wide collaborated again this year to recognize the key role drivers play in the daily lives of our children and demonstrate appreciation for transporting our children to school safely, especially during the challenges navigated over past few years.  During the week all Martel, First Student & Ambassador Transportation drivers will be greeted with notes of appreciation, snacks/treats and gifts.

Families are encouraged to help in the following ways;

  1. Display the attached sign in a window of your home or on the mailbox during February 19th-21st.
  2. Students are invited to make cards or notes for their drivers to brighten their day
  3. Join in cheering on the awesome team of drivers as they pick up and drop off your children this week. 

Bus Driver Appreciation will be celebrated across three days, one day focused at each school.  A banner will rotate between schools to welcome drivers. 

  • CHS/CMS - Wednesday, February 19
  • CIS - Thursday, February 20
  • CBPS - Friday, February 21

We hope all families will join in celebrating Bus Driver Appreciation! We are so grateful to this dedicated group of bus and van drivers who safely transport our children to and from school each day. 

Canton Schools PTOs

Winter Festival 2025

This event is a partnership between the CT DEEP- No Child Left Inside® Program, Fish with CARE and the City of Torrington and will be taking place on Saturday February 1, 2025 (with a weather date of Sunday, February 2nd ) at Burr Pond State Park in Torrington, CT between 10 am and 3 pm.

This FREE event is all about outdoor winter fun and includes ice fishing, search and rescue dog demonstrations, mushing dog demonstrations, learning and crafts tables, hikes/walks, marshmallow roasting, firepits and so much more.  Everyone is welcome to attend!

Visit for more information!

Screenagers: Elementary School Age Edition

Film Viewing & Conversation Hosted by the Canton Youth Services Bureau

January 16th, 6:00-8:00pm
January 18th, 10:30am-12:30pm

Join the Canton Public Schools and Canton Youth Services Bureau for a free movie screening and community discussion at the Canton Community Center. 

In Screenagers: Elementary School Age Edition, physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston, takes a deeply personal approach as she explores the vulnerable corners of family life and struggles over social media, video games, academics and internet addiction. 

Big Rock at Candy’s Mountain~ a Family-Friendly DRAMATIC EVENT~CANTON HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA CLUB’S 2024 Fall Play, Big Rock at Candy’s Mountain. A funny play that covers all aspects of a folk rock music festival. Written by David Rogers, licensing provided by Dramatic Publishing.  Approximate run time: 90 minutes with 15 minute intermission. 

CANTON, Connecticut— On Thursday, November 7th at 7:00pm Big Rock at Candy’s Mountain will premiere in the CHS Auditorium (76 Simonds Ave). Additional shows to follow on Friday, November 8th at 7:00pm and Saturday, November 9th at 2:00pm.  Tickets are $15 for adults, $5 for students and seniors, and FREE for children under five. Tickets will go on sale Saturday, October 12th at 10:00am and are available online through Follow the link to “Buy Tickets” and search “Canton Performing Arts.” 

The Drama Club of Canton High School is only in its FIFTH YEAR of existence! Our previous productions include The Play That Goes Wrong (2023), Alice in Wonderland (2022), and CLUE! (2021). All proceeds from ticket sales, concession sales, and merchandise sales will directly support the production costs of Big Rock at Candy’s Mountain and future productions as well as other CHS drama club events.  

Big Rock at Candy’s Mountain is open to the public on Thursday, November 7, Friday, November 8th at 7:00pm and Saturday, November 9th at 2:00pm. Tickets go on sale Saturday, October 12th at 10:00am. 

Contact event organizer Michelle Taylor before the day of the event with questions at

Big Rock at Candys Mountain drama production poster
CPAT Open Houses
September 9th, 10-11:30am and 6-7pm

September 12th, 10-11:30am

Feel free to stop in one of these days to meet the staff and enjoy the playroom with your child during our open house times.

Canton Parents as Teachers (CPAT) is a program for any Canton family with children birth to kindergarten age. The program has many services available to families, and is currently enrolling for their fall early learning groups. 

Groups are open for children and their adults, ages 1 to kindergarten. These groups are held Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday 10am-11am at Canton High School in CPAT's specially designed classroom.  

Feel free to reach out to CPAT at:

Children smiling and playing with colorful toys in the CPAT classroom.

Safe Routes to School Presentation
September 17, 2024, 6:00pm

The Safe Routes to School Team will be presenting their findings and recommendations on September 17, 2024 in the Canton Community Center, beginning at 6:00 p.m.  Please save the date to join us for the presentation.

As part of the development of a SRTS Plan for the Town public input is a key component. Insights from parents, administrators, students and residents is desired and appreciated. 

Fill out the SRTS questionnaire.

The Canton BOE and the town of Canton are participating in the Connecticut Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Program.

Night Out for the Arts with Canton Friends for the Arts at Brewery Legitimus
September 20th from 6-9pm

$10 at the door supports fine and performing arts programs in Canton K-12 Schools!

poster for Night Out for the Arts at Brewery Legitimus. September 20 from 6 to 9pm.

School NewsDistrict UpdatesCommunicationsSchool Information